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Why fulfillment isn't something you achieve; it's something you feel

fearless impact fearless voices high performance coaching marion van namen Feb 02, 2022

Here’s a question for you:

When was the last time you thought, “Yes! This is what I’m living for!”?

Can you think of an occasion recently when you felt truly alive; when you had the strongest sensation that THIS is the reason you’re on this planet?

Now, I know that shouldn’t be too hard to answer…yet for so many of us, it is.

Because we’ve been sold a false promise.

We’ve been conditioned to believe that true fulfillment — that yummy, I’m-just-so-gosh-darn-happy-to-be-alive feeling that makes your entire being feel like a fountain candle — is something you achieve.

It’s something you can buy your way into, if you just accumulate the right things and tick off the right to-do list. The right zip code. The newest Smartwatch. Thousands of Instagram followers. The abundant bank balance.

And it’s not to say that any of that stuff can’t bring moments of contentment. There’s a helluva lot to be said to have such a healthy checking account that you know you can provide well for your kids. And there’s zero shame in that dopamine rush you might get from buying the odd pair of really nice shoes.

But true fulfillment is something more. Something deeper.

It’s the moment you realize you’ve had a real impact on someone else’s happiness. It’s the moment you’re so completely engaged in an activity that time has ceased to exist. It’s the moments — even the tiniest ones — when you realize that you feel completely and utterly at peace.

It’s sitting round the table, sharing a meal with your giggling kids. It’s the tears in your eyes as your kid absolutely nails their violin recital. It’s watching a beloved friend or family member break through to the other side of a challenging moment.

It’s purpose.

And it isn’t something you achieve — it’s something you feel. With every fiber of your body, your mind, and your soul.

For me, it used to be the moment when I’d look around the choir room mid-session and catch the sparkle in the eyes of my singers.

Now, it’s hearing how a client mustered up the courage to have a difficult conversation, to speak their truth, to claim their authentic self.

It’s walking beside a client as they work on making their long-held dreams a reality.

It’s when a client discovers just how much joy they can find in productivity after embracing a previously dreaded to-do list.

So, with that in mind, let's come back to our initial question:

When was the last time you thought, “Yes! This is what I’m living for!”?

Maybe now it’s a little easier to pinpoint a moment when you felt fully alive, when you were able to show up as your incredible, authentic sparkly self?

Or maybe, just maybe, this is a lovingly offered wake-up call, highlighting the fact that your current work, your current schedule, or your current life in general isn’t giving you the opportunities you need (and deserve) to ignite that spark.

If so, please know that fulfillment (or fulfeelment as I like to think of it now!) is within your grasp. You can find what makes you fully alive, you can discover the things that will light your imagination, and you absolutely can find a way to create the positive impact you want to have on the people around you, your community, and the world as a whole.

And I’m here to help — every step of the way. Schedule a free consultation.

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