Be Here Now - the Sacredness of Circle Singing
Jan 15, 2025My heart is heavy as I watch the fires burn in LA; I just cancelled my personal retreat there, even though I was looking forward to my first time away from the kids in 7 years! Yet that same heart is tickled pink that my 13 year old, for the first time, without a hint, replaced a roll of toilet paper! What do fires, retreats and toilet paper have in common? Staying present even though the world pulls us in a million directions. How does one do that?
The here and now.
The essence of the present teaches us to let go of the past, not worry about the future, and immerse ourselves in the experience of the now: feeling, hearing, sensing, and responding to what's unfolding in real time. Doing what you can with what you have, where you're at, who you are with. Easier said than done in every day life - pure joy in circle singing.
Unlike a rehearsed choir performance, circle singing thrives on spontaneity. No sheet music. No preset plan. Leave your baggage at the door. Come in and co-create the music through improvisation. One person starts a rhythm. The next weaves something in the spaces in between those beats, to which a third person creates a melody. Some vocal percussion and a few harmonies top it off. Piece by piece a "song" is born, a unique creation that only exists in that moment. The generosity is palpable as everybody makes the other person sound good.
Life works the same way! We can't predict the twist and turns. We improvise, adapt and respond creatively to the unexpected. In today's world it is one of the most important skills we can cultivate. If you feel overwhelmed start with the question "what would I love?" If that still feels too much start with the questions "what would I like more of?" or "what do I want less of?" Slowly you start piecing a vision together and filling out the details. A little vocal percussion, a harmony, some rhythm and spice... See the similarities?
Circle Singing reminds us that each voice matters. Each contribution shapes the whole. There's a sacredness in the way we listen deeply to one another, respond intuitively, and build something beautiful together. It's a reminder that we are interconnected - not just as musicians, but as human beings.
In these moments of musical synergy, the boundaries between self and other blur, and something greater than ourselves is moving through us. This is the power of being present in the here and now. When we let go of judgment and simply be, we open ourselves to creativity, connection and joy.
The lessons of circle singing extend far beyond the circle. Presence, collaboration and trust can enrich every aspect of life. When we approach conversations, work, even mundane tasks with the same openness and attentiveness, we invite the sacred into our daily lives. Circle Singing has taught me to find beauty in the fleeting nature of each experience. Creating music together in the moment, honoring the sacredness of the present - is a gift beyond measure.
Next time you find your mind wandering or you feel disconnected, remember this: there's a sacredness in the here and now. Whether it's through music, conversation or enjoying a new roll of toilet paper, take a deep breath and immerse yourself in the magic of the present.
Join Circle Singing this Wednesday January 15th at 7pm.
Join a Vision Workshop - 3 keys to Creating Your Results - this Saturday 10 am.
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