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The key to living freely and fearlessly

inner child living the dream sing free vocal fearlessness vocal freedom vocal technique May 29, 2023

Have you ever seen a little kid messing about in the sandbox? Running around a park? Exploring somewhere new? It’s incredible to watch because it’s like everything is one giant experiment…and it’s guided by pure instinct.

These gorgeous tiny people are inquisitive. They’re bold. They’re playful. They’re absorbed by the present moment. They’re fearless.

They’re free.

Until they grow up, that is. Until they become…us.

Your sandbox gets a whole lot bigger as you grow, yet it feels smaller. Because you start to move through the world with fear. Fear of judgement, fear of “getting it wrong”, fear of losing respect, fear of letting the real “you” shine through.

And you forget what it is to feel fearless and free.

So, I want to remind you (through song, of course!)

As you sing, so you live…

When you learn to sing freely and fearlessly, you don’t just use your voice differently, you begin to move through the world differently too.

Playfulness and experimentation in song, leads to playfulness and experimentation in your life. Connection with the present moment leads to radical self-acceptance. Working in harmony with your voice, leads to working in harmony with your community, with your world…with your true self.

Freedom and fearlessness in song, leads to freedom and fearlessness in life.

I see what happens when my students fearlessly begin to connect with their true voice, when they re-learn how to engage with their innate sense of playfulness and expand their vocal palette in ways they never imagined. And I see how the joy, the confidence, the courage, and the freedom they foster through song spills into the rest of their lives too.

It’s vocal liberation, it’s LIFE liberation, and it’s magical…and I’d love for you to experience it.

Read more about Fearless Voices.

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