One Year Life Mastery Program


Transform your dreams into reality,

your goals into achievements,

your life into mastery.

As soon as you join this VIP program and you apply each week's lesson, your Life Mastery skills grow. This comprehensive year long curriculum is designed to instruct and support you in Life Mastery by studying:

  • six life areas
  • six mental faculties
  • 11 universal laws


Six life areas

  • INTENTION – Accessing the power of your purpose
  • HEALTH – Experiencing the highest expression of well-being
  • ABUNDANCE – Living from connection with Source
  • MANIFESTATION – Developing the art of co-creating
  • LOVE – Fostering authentic relationships
  • TRANSFORMATION – Navigating the terrain of greater possibilities

Six mental faculties

Imagine a world where negativity bounces off of you like teflon, and life becomes easier, more fulfilling and way more fun!

Discover how to "activate" the 6 ordinary gifts you were born with and learn how to use them to create a life you truly love living.

  • IMAGINATION - Harness your imagination in ways that will advance you toward your goals.
  • INTUITION - Properly connect to your internal guidance system to be clear about what direction you should move in your life.
  • WILL - Learn how to stay focused on what you would love instead of thinking about what you DON'T want.
  • MEMORY - Consciously develop your memory and take a quantum leap toward what you desire.
  • REASON - Uncover the secret to working smarter, not harder and accomplishing more in less time with fewer resources.
  • PERCEPTION - Discover the power to turn the most overwhelming challenges into insignificant road bumps as you move toward living a life you love.

Eleven universal laws

Discover the 11 ancient, forgotten spiritual laws that govern all things in the universe.

Working With The Law – Understand the real reason why manifestation doesn’t work for everyone, and what you can do to make it work for you.

  • The Law of Thinking – Harness the full potential of your thoughts and use this power to shape your reality.
  • The Law of Supply – Shift your awareness and greatly increase the flow of abundance into your life.
  • The Law of Attraction – Learn three never–before revealed secrets that will open the floodgates of blessings into your life.
  • The Law of Receiving – Learn how the more you give, the more you get and discover a simple system of systematic giving that unleashed bountiful returns.
  • The Law of Increase – Apply the hidden step-by-step system that will help you magnify what you want more of in your life.

Harness the power of Universal Laws to create your dream life in all four areas: Health & Well-Being - Love & Relationships - Vocation - Time & Money Freedom.

  • The Law of Compensation – Use this law to propel you out of your current circumstances to the place where you long to be.
  • The Law of Non-Resistance – Discover how to flip any difficult circumstance upside-down with minimal energy.
  • The Law of Forgiveness – Make peace with the past so that you can finally move forward.
  • The Law of Sacrifice – Make a powerful paradigm shift out of stagnation and toward the fulfillment of all your desires, quickly and easily.
  • The Law of Obedience – Become naturally obedient to the laws of nature because you know the wonderful things that will happen and grow in your life.
  • The Law of Success – Disrupt negative thinking, boost your tenacity, and be inspired to pursue anything you set your mind to.

Please note - Prerequisite for the Life Mastery Program is the Dream Builder Program.

Life doesn't happen to you, it happens with you.

Micaela Kennedy

Marion is a powerful facilitator, beckoning me to the deeper parts of my heart and mind.


David Eby

I achieved incredible results, both personally and professionally. Highly worth the investment.


Lori Hastings

You will love Marion's joy and depth. She'll take you places you'll never go on your own.



I Believe in People

Each one of us has far more potential than any situation or condition.

I Believe in Growth

We grow by achieving our highest goals and exceeding our very best.

I Believe in Fun

I create joy, fun and laughter in all I do. We'll create memories together.

I Believe in Love

I delight my clients by seeking to exceed their expectations.


Live your best life!

Imagine waking up every morning feeling like "I love my life!"


Got questions? Reach out to me.