If I were to describe myself in just three words


Playful -  Fearless - Resourceful



I was born in The Netherlands as the third child/daughter to parents who were teenagers in World War II. The first three years of my life my father had a few stays at the psychiatric ward and my role as a baby and toddler was to cheer him up. Showing him my sprakly eyes and radiant smile would make his day. I love making people laugh, and inherited a great sense of humor from my mother. People say my presence can fill a room.

My favorite pass time is vocal improvisation: making music up in the moment. Loving what is and having fun with it, no matter what.


At the age of 45 I realized that not having been a mom would be the biggest regret on my deathbed.  Being single and my eggs turning stale, I walked into an adoption agency, asking them if they knew of a child that would want me as their parent. A year later when I was about to meet my TWO babies in Miami, the nurse asked "Do you already have kids?" "No." "So you have no idea what you're getting into?!" "Nope." I wrapped both Suniti & Aram in my heart. I knew I'd find a way. Has it been easy? Hell no! The hardest and most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life. I never give up, I know I'm not alone and I also know someone else has been through what I'm going through.


I would love to be remembered as a woman who had as much fun dancing in a storm (figuratively) as she did flirting with a balmy breeze. At any moment we have choices. We can move gently in quiet or troubled times. In turbulent weather it may be equally satisfying to stomp and roar, as it is to stand still to let the wind play with our hair and dress. So many possibilities!

A few other fun facts about me

  • Lived in 3 different countries: Netherlands, Tanzania and US. I speak about 5 languages.
  • Started playing cello at age 30 and taught it for 20 years.
  • Hiked in Turkey, Iceland and Slovenia. Was deported from Zanzibar. Built a cello in Finland.
  • MBA from Carnegie Mellon University. Bachelor's degree in International Business & Marketing. Diploma's in Waldorf Education, Music Therapy, Choral Direction and Vocal Improvisation.
  • I'm an advocate for neuro-diversity and mental health.
  • Happiest place: sitting around the dining table with my kids and their friends, sharing pizza.

Life is an inside out job.